If you call this file with the argument "?unused=true" it searches for the translation strings that exist in en_US but are never used.
IMPORTANT: that can take quite a lot of time (up to 10 minutes), you need to tune the max_execution_time on your php.ini accordingly.

Duplicate strings in lang files in /home/spaybadm/www/dolibarr/dev/translation//../../htdocs/langs/en_US/ - 109 found

#StringFile and lines
109SupplierProposalShortsupplier_proposal.lang (4 - Supplier proposals) (13 - Supplier proposal)
10Typeaccountancy.lang (167 - Type of fields)
main.lang (198 - Type)
12InternalUseradmin.lang (36 - Internal user)
users.lang (85 - Internal user)
13Stringadmin.lang (376 - String)
members.lang (121 - String)
14Intadmin.lang (378 - Integer)
members.lang (123 - Int)
15DateAndTimeadmin.lang (380 - Date and hour)
members.lang (124 - Date and time)
16Upgradeadmin.lang (887 - Upgrade)
install.lang (106 - Upgrade)
17Serveradmin.lang (905 - Server)
install.lang (49 - Server)
18DatabaseServeradmin.lang (907 - Database host)
install.lang (52 - Database server)
19DatabaseNameadmin.lang (908 - Database name)
install.lang (53 - Database name)
20DriverTypeadmin.lang (922 - Driver type)
install.lang (48 - Driver type)
21CompanyNameadmin.lang (950 - Name)
companies.lang (32 - Company name)
22Miscellaneousadmin.lang (1151 - Miscellaneous)
other.lang (56 - Miscellaneous)
23CreditNoteadmin.lang (1183 - Credit note)
bills.lang (252 - Credit note)
24CreditNotesadmin.lang (1184 - Credit notes)
bills.lang (253 - Credit notes)
25WithdrawalsSetupadmin.lang (1463 - Withdrawal module setup)
withdrawals.lang (29 - Withdrawal setup)
26Buyadmin.lang (1553 - Buy)
products.lang (55 - Purchases)
27Selladmin.lang (1554 - Sell)
products.lang (54 - Sales)
28AccountancyCodeadmin.lang (1557 - Accountancy Code)
companies.lang (286 - Accountancy code)
29CashDeskadmin.lang (1574 - Point of sales)
cashdesk.lang (3 - Point of sale)
30ByDefaultInListadmin.lang (1709 - Show by default on list view)
categories.lang (112 - By default in list)
1Exportsaccountancy.lang (21 - Exports)
members.lang (185 - Exports)
2Exportaccountancy.lang (22 - Export)
other.lang (233 - Export)
3NewAccountaccountancy.lang (44 - New accounting account)
banks.lang (57 - New account)
compta.lang (111 - New account)
4Createaccountancy.lang (45 - Create)
products.lang (13 - Create)
5DescSellsJournalaccountancy.lang (112 - Sales journal)
compta.lang (184 - Sales Journal)
6DescPurchasesJournalaccountancy.lang (113 - Purchases journal)
compta.lang (185 - Purchases Journal)
7SupplierInvoicePaymentaccountancy.lang (119 - Payment of invoice supplier)
banks.lang (114 - Supplier payment)
8CustomerInvoicePaymentaccountancy.lang (120 - Payment of invoice customer)
banks.lang (112 - Customer payment)
9Accountparentaccountancy.lang (137 - Root of the account)
compta.lang (22 - Account parent)
11Paramaccountancy.lang (168 - Additionnal parameters)
compta.lang (16 - Setup)
31Calendaragenda.lang (7 - Calendar)
other.lang (3 - Calendar)
32AffectedToagenda.lang (11 - Assigned to)
projects.lang (93 - Allocated to)
33Locationagenda.lang (19 - Location)
stocks.lang (28 - Location)
34PropalValidatedInDolibarragenda.lang (45 - Proposal %s validated)
other.lang (218 - Proposal %s validated)
35InvoiceValidatedInDolibarragenda.lang (46 - Invoice %s validated)
other.lang (220 - Invoice %s validated)
36InterventionSentByEMailagenda.lang (64 - Intervention %s sent by EMail)
interventions.lang (39 - Intervention %s sent by EMail)
37NewCompanyToDolibarragenda.lang (68 - Third party created)
other.lang (212 - Company %s added)
38IBANbanks.lang (35 - IBAN number)
bills.lang (349 - IBAN)
39BICbanks.lang (38 - BIC/SWIFT number)
bills.lang (350 - BIC/SWIFT)
40StandingOrdersbanks.lang (41 - Standing orders)
bills.lang (202 - Standing orders)
withdrawals.lang (4 - Standing orders)
41StandingOrderbanks.lang (42 - Standing order)
bills.lang (203 - Standing order)
withdrawals.lang (5 - Standing orders)
42Withdrawalsbanks.lang (43 - Withdrawals)
compta.lang (38 - Withdrawals)
withdrawals.lang (9 - Withdrawals)
43Withdrawalbanks.lang (44 - Withdrawal)
compta.lang (37 - Withdrawal)
withdrawals.lang (10 - Withdrawal)
44Accountbanks.lang (78 - Account)
compta.lang (20 - Account)
45StartDatebanks.lang (166 - Start date)
margins.lang (23 - Start date)
46EndDatebanks.lang (167 - End date)
margins.lang (24 - End date)
47Paymentsbills.lang (59 - Payments)
compta.lang (72 - Payments)
48InvoiceRefbills.lang (275 - Invoice ref.)
compta.lang (186 - Invoice ref.)
49BankCodebills.lang (343 - Bank code)
exports.lang (123 - Bank code)
50DeskCodebills.lang (344 - Desk code)
exports.lang (124 - Desk code)
51BankAccountNumberbills.lang (345 - Account number)
exports.lang (125 - Account number)
52BankAccountNumberKeybills.lang (346 - Key)
exports.lang (126 - Key)
53Progressbills.lang (431 - Progress)
projects.lang (69 - Progress)
54NoSupplierOrderboxes.lang (85 - No recorded supplier order)
orders.lang (87 - No supplier order)
55ShowCompanycashdesk.lang (36 - Show company)
companies.lang (309 - Show thirdparty)
56DeletePicturecategories.lang (104 - Picture delete)
products.lang (147 - Delete a picture)
57ConfirmDeletePicturecategories.lang (105 - Confirm picture deletion?)
products.lang (148 - Are you sure you want to delete this picture ?)
58CommercialCardcommercial.lang (4 - Commercial card)
products.lang (112 - Commercial card)
59Customercommercial.lang (6 - Customer)
companies.lang (255 - Customer)
60Prospectcommercial.lang (8 - Prospect)
companies.lang (253 - Prospect)
propal.lang (15 - Prospect)
61Capitalcompanies.lang (326 - Capital)
loan.lang (8 - Capital)
62NbOfAttachedFilescompanies.lang (375 - Number of attached files)
other.lang (51 - Number of attached files/documents)
63AttachANewFilecompanies.lang (376 - Attach a new file)
other.lang (54 - Attach a new file/document)
64ContractStatuscontracts.lang (7 - Contract status)
products.lang (84 - Contract status)
65ContractStatusRunningcontracts.lang (9 - Running)
products.lang (86 - Ongoing)
66ContractStatusClosedcontracts.lang (12 - Closed)
products.lang (85 - Closed)
67ErrorQtyTooLowForThisSuppliererrors.lang (87 - Quantity too low for this supplier or no price defined on this product for this supplier)
suppliers.lang (19 - Quantity too low for this supplier or no price defined on this product for this supplier)
68ErrorSupplierCountryIsNotDefinederrors.lang (177 - Country for this supplier is not defined. Correct this first.)
suppliers.lang (20 - Country for this supplier is not defined. Correct this first.)
69ExportsAreaexports.lang (2 - Exports area)
other.lang (234 - Exports area)
70NewExportexports.lang (4 - New export)
other.lang (241 - New export)
71ExportableDatasexports.lang (6 - Exportable dataset)
other.lang (238 - Exportable data)
72AvailableFormatsexports.lang (34 - Available formats)
other.lang (235 - Available formats)
73LibraryUsedexports.lang (36 - Library used)
other.lang (236 - Librairy used)
74LibraryVersionexports.lang (37 - Version)
other.lang (237 - Version)
75ClickHerehelp.lang (7 - Click here)
other.lang (191 - Click here)
76CreateUserinstall.lang (59 - Create owner)
users.lang (38 - Create user)
77ConfirmResetMailingmails.lang (53 - Warning, by reinitializing emailing <b>%s</b>, you allow to make a mass sending of this email another time. Are you sure you this is what you want to do ?)
sms.lang (42 - Warning, if you make a reinit of Sms campain <b>%s</b>, you will allow to make a mass sending of it a second time. Is it really what you wan to do ?)
78ConfirmDeleteMailingmails.lang (54 - Are you sure you want to delete this emailling ?)
sms.lang (43 - Do you confirm removing of campain ?)
79NbOfRecipientsmails.lang (55 - Number of recipients)
sms.lang (44 - Number of targets)
80DateSendingmails.lang (73 - Date sending)
sendings.lang (29 - Shipping date)
81Naturemembers.lang (183 - Nature)
products.lang (201 - Nature)
82OrderDateorders.lang (10 - Order date)
suppliers.lang (11 - Order date)
83ClassifyBilledorders.lang (111 - Classify billed)
propal.lang (67 - Classify billed)
84QtyOrderedorders.lang (161 - Qty ordered)
sendings.lang (23 - Qty ordered)
85FileWasSentToPrinterprinting.lang (12 - File %s was sent to printer)
printipp.lang (10 - File %s was sent to printer)
86PrintIPPSetupprinting.lang (52 - Setup of Direct Print module)
printipp.lang (2 - Setup of Direct Print module)
87PrintIPPDescprinting.lang (53 - This driver allow to send documents directly to a printer. It requires a Linux system with CUPS installed.)
printipp.lang (3 - This module adds a Print button to send documents directly to a printer. It requires a Linux system with CUPS installed.)
88PRINTIPP_ENABLEDprinting.lang (56 - Show "Direct print" icon in document lists)
printipp.lang (4 - Show "Direct print" icon in document lists)
89PRINTIPP_HOSTprinting.lang (57 - Print server)
printipp.lang (5 - Print server)
90PRINTIPP_PORTprinting.lang (58 - Port)
printipp.lang (6 - Port)
91PRINTIPP_USERprinting.lang (59 - Login)
printipp.lang (7 - Login)
92PRINTIPP_PASSWORDprinting.lang (60 - Password)
printipp.lang (8 - Password)
93NoPrinterFoundprinting.lang (61 - No printers found (check your CUPS setup))
printipp.lang (9 - No printers found (check your CUPS setup))
94NoDefaultPrinterDefinedprinting.lang (62 - No default printer defined)
printipp.lang (11 - No default printer defined)
95DefaultPrinterprinting.lang (63 - Default printer)
printipp.lang (12 - Default printer)
96Printerprinting.lang (64 - Printer)
printipp.lang (13 - Printer)
97CupsServerprinting.lang (65 - CUPS Server)
printipp.lang (14 - CUPS Server)
98WarehouseOpenedproducts.lang (48 - Warehouse open)
stocks.lang (8 - Warehouse open)
99WarehouseClosedproducts.lang (49 - Warehouse closed)
stocks.lang (9 - Warehouse closed)
100Stockproducts.lang (50 - Stock)
stocks.lang (17 - Stock)
101Stocksproducts.lang (51 - Stocks)
stocks.lang (18 - Stocks)
102Movementproducts.lang (52 - Movement)
stocks.lang (20 - Movement)
103Movementsproducts.lang (53 - Movements)
stocks.lang (21 - Movements)
104Suppliersproducts.lang (95 - Suppliers)
suppliers.lang (2 - Suppliers)
105CorrectStockproducts.lang (106 - Correct stock)
stocks.lang (24 - Correct stock)
106ListOfStockMovementsproducts.lang (107 - List of stock movements)
stocks.lang (26 - List of stock movements)
107BuyingPriceproducts.lang (108 - Buying price)
suppliers.lang (12 - Buying price)
108Unitproducts.lang (203 - Unit)
stocks.lang (35 - Unit)